Nov 9, 2007

To Tip or not to Tip is the Q

I don't tip at a restaurant; irrespective of it's standing. everybody gets a salary for their work- so the tip concept is not digested. I also discourage others from tipping- and all those stories about pizza boy's paycheck being cut and 'x' amount being 'understood' as a tip from a waiter's salary is all bull crap. none of that ever happens.

But today on Diwali Day i just left some money for the waiter--coz i felt guilty. here goes why.

04am- waking up,
05:30- loud mouth n child mom pick me up
06:25- we are at Mahalaxmi Mandir, post the pooja we decide to have breakfast before heading to Babulnath.
07: 45- after driving thru charni road, marine lines, girgaum, chira bazaar (hunting for good maharshtrian restaurants... later only open restaurants ; we end up at liberty cinema and irate loudmouth (Kamat hadnt opened for the day) decided to settle for an ordinary udpi joint.

The food was good in the b'bay south Indian authenticity, as we waited LM was commenting on a big-size couple having breafast after their walk- that ticked me off coz i didnt think their size was his business and they were a cute happy couple.
---------The waiter assigned to our table had just woken up (visible eye bags, red eyes n constant yawning) forgot the coffee we ordered with the rest. Loud mouth was so rude to the him that i was seriously annoyed-- n like wise pulled him up for his dearth of manners in public, with a loud- "Whats ur problem in life, man; can't u be nice to people? Child mom found it hilarious but i was pissed enough to kerb her smile (or we would burst out laughing and the effect would be lost, as usual). We ate huge amounts with Loudmouth insisting to order the second round on my behalf and insisting that i share (this has happened twice and i don't like it!)

the waiter heard him quietly over the sambar and varied idli preparations that weren't available at 8 am, took back my 'sugary coffee' and got me another one- all in absolute silence, he didn't mumble or make a face (maybe he was too tired or sleep working to register all this) that made me feel bad for him- like i feel bad for the traffic police; with the kind of jobs these guys have - satisfaction must mean -not being abused.

hence the tip- for all the unwanted/undeserved humiliation he suffers at the hands of a customer- some of who behave as if they own the place and the person is their personal slave.

i am hoping that more people behave with kindness towards the call center employees, traffic police and the waiters in restaurants.