Dec 13, 2010

10 Commandments for travelling in Mumbai trains

These are unsaid, unwritten laws, practiced in silence and never broken. Once you start to travel, you shall know what I speak of; use it as a code of parley, because when you enter a 09.04am train, you are in dangerous territory.  
1.    Boarding a train:  Lets’ image a situation.  You are boarding an empty Churchgate bound train from Borivali.  Your options are: wait for the specialists to jump in, let the herd of cows scramble in and then you board with the near-to-retirement aunties and pray to find some space to stand, comfortably. 

You could be a specialist and grab a window seat, but you have to risk falling inside or outside the compartment, getting bruised, breaking your bones and sometimes dying. However, watching an expert jumper is pure pleasure, an art you must watch.

2.   Bags and Kids Not Allowed: There is no space during the rush hours for your duffel bag.  Just in case you were contemplating dragging in your trolley bag, ‘out’ is safer than 'in’.  Once you enter, clutch your bag to your chest, lest it hit someone, even by mistake.  If you are carrying a backpack, laptop, multiple bags, lunch bags in addition to your workbag, it is only polite that you request the lady standing by the window to keep your bag on the shelf.  It would be better if you did it yourself in a less crowded train, as some may object to you making them work free.

Leave your child at home, use common sense.  A crying baby/toddler in a crowded compartment full of stressed women on a single agenda is like throwing a puppy in a pond of piranhas. Well, not that ugly but why would you want your child and you to be cursed first thing in the morning or evening or anytime?

3.   The Right to Alight:  The sign on the compartment walls, if you look carefully says, ‘let passengers alight first’.  However, the rules of the game have changed.  There are queues, if you are in a Western track train, then Andheri is the dominant bully, the women form a line on the left side of the door and everyone else is expected to alight and board from the right side.  Why?  Try asking when you are in a foul mood and up for a fight.

 If you have to alight at, say Bandra, it is your duty to get up once the train leaves Santacruz station.  Khar comes next and it will give you enough time to maneuver through the crowd without rushing and pushing anyone.  In a relatively less crowded train, you could get up one station before from your destination.

 It is common for passengers standing behind you to tap on your shoulder or back and ask ‘Bandra?’ or ‘Andheri?’  They have not misunderstood your name; they are asking whether you are getting off on that station, if not, you make space for them to go ahead.

4.  Single and Multiple Seat Reservations: Yes, you can book seats and for free! If you wish to find yourself a seat in a crowded train, all you have to do is, ask. Usually, you need to point a forefinger at the woman sitting near the window, and take the row from there.  They know the look and will tell you the station they’d alight, reserve the seat that is will ensure you seat earliest. Just in case you have a seat at Malad but there is a fourth seat at Andheri, on a train bound to Borivali.  Reserve both, you get a seat at Andheri and when the Malad is near, you move to a more comfortable one. All you need is a nod, and the deal is sealed.

5.    What is mine is yours too: Newspapers, magazines, candy, books, food, music players, iPads, laptops, knowledge bases and everything else possible is public property on a train. Once you are done with your Midday, someone will ask for it. If you are reading a book, be rest assured someone will make a comment on it, or simply smile with affirmation or frown on your taste in books.  There will be communication, your chips packet will be stared at, the chocolate will bring up conversations on how good or bad it is on the weighing scale. 
This is how most people have found a fool proof diet plan or gym buddies or geek sisters. Make full use of this knowledge base!

6.    Hair Care:  Tying your hair in a bun will be made mandatory in the near future. For now, why would you want your hair flying in someone’s face? Why do you want someone’s hair flying into your face? Have some civic sense, use a hair band. Women often politely tell you (not ask) to take your hair forward, so that they poke and itch  you, in case you suffer from dry hair, dandruff and split ends.

7.    Guidelines to Standing: standing is an art, especially during a peak hour when you have no space to move. Balancing is the key, it is important to hold on to something (the bar on the side or the handle bar above) and stand on one foot, and keep swapping feet. There are too many feet that are climbing on to your foot and in time, your foot will be the one landing on someone else’s foot. Also move with your feet, your body gets pushed, but there’s always some space at the foot. This will take care of your moving forward.    

8.   Guidelines to Sitting: If you are seated, you are lucky, if you are not, you are luckier.  Everyone who is seated has arses in their face. The rest is left to your imagination. When you are seated on the fourth seat, it is only polite to sit at the edge of the seat, where there is more space and everyone is comfortable.  Every time someone on your seat gets up, ask your neighbor to move, politely.  Thereby making a fourth seat available for another standing person.  Many women oblige other women by giving them their seat and seating in turns, for example: you sit from X’ station to Y’ and let the standing woman sit from Y’ to Z'. It is common courtesy to accommodate and help.

9.   Creating the illusion of space: This one was invented by a genius psychologist, or maybe an MBA in Human Resource. When seated near the window or the third seat, and a lady asks you to ‘shift’, meaning create space for her, when there may be none. You wriggle in your position creating a picture of moving or shifting but not really moving anywhere. It’s like running on a treadmill, you are running, but you aren't going anywhere. The point is, it works! Your wriggle is bought and miraculously the lady now has enough space to rest her butt.  

   10.  Dressing for a train travel: If you have a wedding to attend, beg borrow, steal a car, and leave three hours in advance, but do not get into the train.  In the least in the morning or evening.  Refrain from tying dupattas/stoles around your neck, unless you want to be strangled.  It is best that you stuff them in your bag, with your loose watch, bracelet, anklet, and everything else, which can fall off, during your journey.  You are allowed headphones, the music should be loud enough only for you though. 
       Wear the most comfortable shoes, heels are a bad idea just in case you are travelling far and may have to stand. Also in a crowded train, when feet climb atop one another, your heel will make co-passengers bleed. And their heels will make you scream. Flats, floaters, keds, even sport shoes can be tolerated, but not heels, even kitten heels! Be pragmatic, carry your stilettos in your bag and wear them at work.

Mumbai trains are the best teachers; they teach you empathy, courage, sacrifice, cunning, and gratitude.  Thank you Mumbai, for trains and much.      

Dec 5, 2010

Friends with Benefits

Come to think of it, I feel like a conservative. Sex on my mind, my previous post was received quite well. Contrary to reader's opinions of my ability and clarity, I had claimed my fox-hole, was prepared for eye rolls and acute dismissals of my moral standards. None of it has happened. I am still receiving mails and many of them are from women, who are bang-on to the point of what they like in the post, what they disapprove and how they'd go about their sex lives.

A kind lady insisted that I write on the lines of sex and the city; problem is, I am quite inept at that. I do not fully understand, though have a grasp of it, as to how we are evolving as socio-sexual beings. Plus, I have to yet give up on the opposite sex; my only reason not to (give up on them) is because they are my friends. And my friends are nearly everything I need, admire and love in my life. The men in my life are dear to me; and the fact that at some point we chose each other, gives me hope that my choice in the 'partner of my life' won't be sucky.
But why not choose from them, if I believe that they have it all? Well, the girl in a poncho asked this question. My reply was simple, I love them as people but I have no desire to get to know their 'lover' side. Why? Its incomprehensible. Psychological digging got me to unearth my friends, when I was a kid. Mostly boys, and how my mum never really made any differentiation btw the genders. She'd be inviting and chatty without any inhibitions, she never made me realize that all the people that came for my birthdays or I fought with or played with were boys. She would gladly tell people that 'oh, he's been my daughter's friend since she was eight!' Point is, their gender was a matter-of-fact, so when I first told my mum about 'the boy i like', she wasn't surprised that he was not from the gang.

Friends with benefits are great! And sometimes it is an amazing way of discovering another person; but it is an each-to-his-own decision. I need to see the man in a different light, and I know my friends too well - we may just crack up; call it a bad idea and go for a beer... laughing all the way at us being so desperate. Nonetheless, that is I, it may work for you; so do not let my judgement color yours. Also, I believe in the old adage, that 'sex changes everything'. When it comes to the people you love, know, discuss your plans with, consult, cuss and will call in all emergencies - it changes everything. In the least, for me.

That apart, we are different people as friends and different as partners or lovers. Mixing the two is quite a lethal combination - may work or make just kill the whole thing. Am sure you have many stories of lovers gone sour? I too have my tales of friends becoming lovers and lovers going sour - what you will be left with is an emotional drainage. It's a risk that you will have to judge for yourself and take.

However, the catch is to make it work. If you can - fantaboulous. I do not have that kind of intelligence. So when it comes to me, the only benefit I have with a friend is that he/she is my friend.