Oct 1, 2007

Zip the Lip

Girl, shut up! That’s what we badly need to do. Women talk too much. We fuss, scrutinise, justify, belabour. We need to abandon our monkey (gorilla to be specific) lineage- we have to stop picking ticks from our beloved’s hair; just to show we care! I think we are irritating the opposite sex.

We are the destructive ones: we love, attempt to change them, distance them from their parents, get rid of their friends (it’s a women’s right to dislike her man’s friends). We spend half of our life in changing everything and spend the rest half complaining that we couldn’t change a thing.

I am furious at myself, for doing all of this; again and again and again.

I thought it was me, till I read three blogs leading the same way. Single or married—women drive men away; this could be a potential reason for romance to die out of relationships. For wise capitalist and her husband to sleep in opposite directions and unconsciously kick him in the nose. Hmmm…

I agree men are weird, listen to this:
Scene: Watching Sex and the city, Season 5
Chameleon: (Grin) Women! They never say what they really feel when the man is around. The second he is gone, they realise how much they love him.
Moi: Hmmm, Yes: u are right; but isn’t that true of men as well.
Chameleon: With the man; he’s never really sure of what he feels! (LOL)”
(I think chameleon thinks from his crotch)

Is that true? Maybe; generalizing, women coo and pick too much: ‘yellow shirt, green trousers? don’t talk with your mouth full, don’t eat on the bed, don’t twiddle your thumbs, wear socks in your sneakers, change the bed sheet, clean the damm room, put the toilet seat back… place the cover. Don’t drink so much; don’t smoke so many, read that book- ps. return it too. Why can’t your hair stay? Why are you so possessive about your hair? Don’t tap your foot, shave; shave your armpits as well. There is nothing wrong in the above: it’s called grooming an animal called man.

The underlining whys and don’ts sound like a ringmaster and remind me of the sad Miss Mary Don’t. If there is so much to change, why do we want the species in the 1st place? Sometimes, I think we are masochists, knit pickers and it’s our destructive ‘handmaid’ way of showing a constructive feelings of 'care'!

We are weird and maybe if we shut up and let go, we may just let the men live longer than us.