Oct 8, 2007

Hold On

... to every
emotion, friend, family, hobby that makes you smile. When Halo died, we took it in good spirit: he was old, had a bad lifestyle and a bypass surgery. Dad was alright; till yesterday. Last night he went on a 'we will die in solitude and the loss is pathetic' trip. He's been emotional about death for as long as i remember, yesterday i realised why.

It's a common problem. When people are around us, its rare that we hold them; tell them we genuinly love them, make that small gesture, gift. We take it for granted; we postpone it for tomorrow. Then people move away, change cities, get married or just die. Suddenly all the repressed feelings surface: the sense of loss is not monumental but it feels profound. Here's where 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' frankly (i think wander is more real than fonder).

There are few things that i have gotten right about living, accidentally they turn out to be the most vital ones. I never leave a moment to let someone feel as special as i think they are. The important people in my life know i love them to death. Loud mouth, child-mom, monarch, wise capitalist, the man, chameleon, mandy, talkathon, stocks queen, mil... we don't meet often; we are continents apart but we do know in our locked away hearts that each of us is a phone call away. Unresonable amounts of money are spend on inane conversations; it pinches bad but in the end we know what we have and what we hold is precious.

Years down the line, when we are worn-out and everything around us is racing by; there will be few people to call, fewer to listen to you. But those couple of faces who don't frown when you talk for too long or reiterate the same point; are very important to have around. It is likely that they will be your spouses, cousins, your kids (befriend them), your lovers, friends.
People who care; and 'Care' is a very important feeling. Hang on to it!