Jan 19, 2008

This Bullshit Called Love

While chatting to Wasabi today, I felt a need to defend my belief in love. And for the weirdest reason I did. Later in the day, I spoke to Torch and she went on a trip telling me about the 'reality behind looovvve'. I am a pragmatic but suddenly the disbelief made me want to reiterate - and as I did, she shot back vehemently, " Love talk coming from someone who hasn't fallen seriously in love or found true love?! K you are such a sham! Why don't you fill those feather shoes you advocate so much?"

We were short of laughing at my predicament and before pinning the final bubble on the bubble wrap of my love life, she claimed - "What is this bullshit called love anyway? Get into a bed darling, its about time you did - that's where all the love is!" Apart from her 'successful one-night-stand' jokes; Torch follows super mart love, that comes with a 'definite expiry date'. "Who has the time? And I get all the action I need". She bought Pepper to dissolve her need for a companion - "Just two women. We are so in harmony, we even bleed on the same date!" I like to see the way this girl and her bitch bond - almost like soul mates. But in the colored corner of my mind; I want her to be with someone.
How can one disillusion a disillusioned lover? Why when a spell broken can not be worked back? Here's to Wasabi and Torch:

Love what do I do with you?
Sometimes you are just a leftover morsel from the alphabet.
Sometimes you are more intense than the word eternity.
Sometimes a synonym to hate.
Sometimes the drabness of an overused wash cloth.
Sometimes you are the space that fills I and You
and at times you become a distance between Us and Them.

Your multiple forms confuse me -
the wild wind,
the cruel mirage
the glass mannequin
Cold droplets of rain
the black speck in a brown eye
the caramel on a stale pie

My dear how can i tell the world
that you are the hope of a blind eye
the warmth in a comforting curve
the strength in a finger
the passion of a hungry claw
the silence in surrender
the dust on a forgotten Urn

How my friend can I contradict
that you are the knock on a deaf man's door
that you are the power trapped in a diamond
that you are the blood spilled in a miscarriage
that you are the cyst in a cheated woman's eye
that you are a tourist walking dreamily in the
abandoned lanes of human habitat
that loftiness in poesy is courtesy you.

How do I glean these leftover paradoxes to make a collage?
How can I make people fall in love with you, love?

- Child mom said something very sweet :) (a bear hug is on your way), after my blabber on losing hope in love - "Love my darling is quietly placing a comforter over the sleeping shadow. And K, chill, you have brought a million comforters for us - he will take care of yours!"