Dec 10, 2007

The Week That Was--1

I have been super distracted throughout last week. Too many questions racing through my mind, too many discoveries made, too many little but 'happy' decisions taken.

Dates, time and chronology are not my friends, as a media person- that should be my forte, but it just isn't! I think it has to do with the fact that i don't believe in the notion of time-- that makes my life easier and takes unwanted pressure off my mind. And also puts me into a fix every time i am asked 'When?'.

To begin with- weekend was spent with Octogenarian, it was a super warm experience; i often delay my visit to her because she turns to tell me things about the past that aren't pleasant. It was exactly what happened, she told me all about things and people who had not been on their better behaviour, as a result she had suffered. I was attempting to explain to her that it's history; and therefore didn't matter. She said something to the effect of 'not understanding, trauma, harrassment, etc" that made me feel like my heart was cast in iron- "my mother suffered a lot, she claimed. My mom says the same about her, and i say the same about my mom. But i know for sure my kids, nieces, nephews will never have a tear when, they recollect how amazing their parent's life was!' The very thought of being happy forever makes me proud of myself!

I bunked my School reunion, when Cow called, i lied to her that i had to get out- technically speaking, it wasn't a lie. But then again- I went there about two years ago and it was trash. I didn't like school- i was bored, the same happened at the party. I thought it was a waste of time, so i conveniently bunked this year and will do so i guess, forever!
I don't have any affinity to the school or that purple and beige building, or the teachers; the friends i have from school, stand independent from that land. I thought i should feel bad about it. But i don't, coz it reminds me of the best 7 years of my life to follow- College n Univ.
Nothing beats that!