Dec 19, 2007

My Hikey Dearest

To flaunt or to hide, is the question. Hickey aka love bite is brilliant way of conveying 'we are damaging the hinges of the bed' and proudly so! I am no more in college (sigh) or I would have jumped to joy and related the details. (suddenly i grateful to not be so openly crazy). Now, I smile and occasionally tease but a hickey is something that has never missed my attention.
There is a psychological history to the genesis its existence. A hickey is like marking a territory; its very rare that you get or give a hickey unintentionally. Its a way of saying - I am taken and I am loving it. However, different people associate differently with the love biting concept.
Childmom very clearly believes it to be animal-like, violent and not really love. For her its a part of lust; love is more like caressing a flower. So forget about the Q. of flaunting, that dammed scar shouldn't be there in the first place!

Demeter on the other hand would flaunt it with pride, its like a matter of fact. An arched eyebrow that will silently question your celibacy, while reassuring to you that her demure nature is a farce and she is quite a spectacle in the needed areas. "I used to have it all over!" she remarked. The casualness reminded me of Black pearl and how he really liked to be tattooed by hickeys- it left people in awe of his active sex life.
Curl queen on the other hand (and this was eons ago) covered her hickey by a stole - not that we didn't see it but she didn't want to make it so public. its a part of her personal space. Drama King, he has a birth mark on the neck which appears as a permanent hickey. (grin)

To flaunt. You got to have the right kind of hickey!

The neck, shoulders, chest, arms, back, lower back, ankles and collarbones are top places to find, give and have hickeys. Its also important that you hickey looks like a 'love symbol' and not a bruise. The size of the hickey has to be just right- not too spread out or like an 20 degree acute angle triangle. The color of your hickey should run btw red to maroon, pink or black- the extremes will kill the look!

For me though, I think the place is a warning. I wouldn't like to flaunt it in class, at work or with family - but friends, casual parties janta street is kinda alright. Its certain sense of respect for the former (not insinuating love making and its after effects are not pious) - apart from that it is the unwanted eyebrow raises and questions that are best avoided. The latter anyway understand and the janta doesn't even matter.

For those seeking balance
Its best to be dressed in mandarin collared kurtis/ dresses when having that awkward hickey. Hiding an obvious one with attempts like a stole, hair, scarf is TACKY.

What's it for you? Show it all the way or is it 'oh no not again!' ?