Sep 3, 2007

Brief note of goodbye

This happens in the weirdest of times and amidst warmest of people. I feel like a dead cold pigeon. Love and trauma are being discussed with profundity. Solutions are found, strategies are chalked and arbid judgements jumped over. All for a person you genuinely want to try and improve a by-gone relationship with?

Juxtaposed to drama, my simplicity appeared complex, random, vague and corporate cold. Even as I voiced, 'I was crazy about him'-- the line that followed killed it, 'we knew it wouldn't last- we were just built differently.'

Were our good-bye's painful? LOL very! He couldn't curse me enough and I was a dying parasite: fighting hard for that last chance to live before I collapsed.
I collapsed, woke up, started to walk and never encountered love post that moment. Love is like lsd, not everybody can handle the hangover.

So here, I said a short good bye- or the vacant spaces would let angst slip away and the 'we-me' in I will go crawling back, begging for more love, more insults, more babble, more smoke, more of 'two leeches stuck forever'.

'You will ashore,I will fly away,

We will find our ways.
Of acceptance and denial,

Of half hearted truths
and Polite silences.
We won’t be crippled with opportunities

We won’t be doomed for life.
Like the rest of the settled world, we shall move on.'

I hope he has moved on, because a part of me is still shivering in the drizzle by the lake that is now reclaimed.

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