Jul 24, 2007

Success and Conscience : Is Bad the new Good?

It has been pinching me for a while now.Being a slow learner, everything dawns on me later than expected; it's especially true when it concerns people. I am sure we have all met the Unbridges of the world sometime.

It's a trend that's spreading faster than a plague, I see a lot more of that category now. Its like everybody is coming out of the closet. these people belong to a certain category of presumed higher IQ and have a distinct streak for slyness. In fact, they revel in it! Pride about how certain 'things just are' -- like their OCD about cleanliness or fitness or spending unreasonable moolah on shoes that don't even fit right! ]

For me, they deteriorate me, steal something good within me. I start to throw the samee ugliness of heart in their face and that pushes me an inch closer to what I abhor.

A category that I really want people to stay away from, coz when you encounter such people you either toughen up or you become like them- both are bad options.

I have tried to pin down certain prime characteristics:
1) Remember the kids in school who swore that they hadn't studied at all for the exam, and turn out to top the call and then look puzzled about it.

2) Say the chick in lit class that kept taking your notes as she couldn't make it to college as she was crippled sick or was faffing with her current boyfriend? It shocks you to see her reading a paper on Anton Chekhov at the American Library. you question and she coos, oh- it was nothing, I was just flipping pages. You very well know how many pages she had flipped to write a paper that well.

3) Then there are ones that laugh at themselves and proudly endorse their bad qualities like: I am so cool at being a jerk! Or the ones that make up secret codes of 'AH-THAT' to ensure everybody else feels like an outsider.

4) And once you pull open the corporate stained-glass door, you will find that abominable breed, who know that 'the boss is called in a team party st the lands end and will be discussing projects at hand' this wimp was asked to circulate the email and s/he does it on the same day as the meeting pretending to have forgotten to do so earlier,the opening line in the email is: "The goof ball that I am ... " however the goof-ball has also accidentally dressed her/ his best and had file reports and ideas ready. Hmmm... 'just a coincidence you know' or I always dress well!

5) Then there are the ones who give you credit for some ideas you have just helped them with only to realise an emergency presentation on content of all new shows is laid out for you,funny part is that you aren't even convinced about the ideas, you were just toying with it.

6) The ones who turn around and say 'Oh, I am so sorry, I thought you knew!' when there is no way you could have possibly known. The ones that apologise after the damage is done.

7)then there is the twat of a boss who calls her assistant 'silly goose' as if it were meant to be a compliment.

8) There are always those who tell you that you are not fat, when your lard is bursting from the denims. and treat you for a fresh creme eclair, just to lift your spirits: because friends do that!

9) They come well dressed, with perpetual warm nature and the perfectly flossed plastic smiles. They will remember every body's birthdays and if they don't and you remind them, they will promptly go to the loo and wish them over the phone or just sms them before you do.

10) The ones that will send you a wish-list on their birthday and 'I didn't find the perfect thing I was looking for or he's going to get that skirt that I saw for you'. You never see either!
Even if the prima facie is to fall for, however it's scary to know what is in that dangerous mind of theirs. Often convoluted, smart and successful and are found in every field, including writing. Creative writing has seen some extremely jealous,evil, fucked brained geniuses.

Crux of the observation
is: That your genius does not build your karma, nor does your success make you a good person.