Jul 2, 2007

Morbid Money

Everytime i fall, It hits me that i havent fallen deep enough. i havent hurt myself hard enough:i am never bleeding! it is something that people feel lucky about: just that i am not feeling it that way. It dosen't shake me up hard enough to "Go do" soemthing.

Being what i am, i need to improve my logorrhea, adept to it, use it right. bad grammar and a heavy bag of lexicon can be irritating. However I wonder what to do with the words that haven't been brought to life in decades and are decaying into oblivion?

Right now, i am job hopping, for those words aren't letting sleep and slowly pushing me into the quick sand of morbidity! So I decide to move from not-menaningful-at-all to something more popular and less menaingful. Having realised that true happiness does not lie in work satisafction but in the wry smile that my boss has when he looks at his monthly check, or the look my sister has when she picks up a brand,uses it for weeks and calls it trash!Both are after effects of a healthy dose of moolah. Here is my late dawned halo for display: "Job staifaction is directly proportianl to your CTC."

Pudgy fingers says: "Everything becoems frivilous after a while, even saving the wrold! It is a job, treat it like one."

kannst mir nichts vormachen says: "Money is nothing, when you have enough of it. However money is like water, there is never enough! So never say, you dont want it; you may not have it and then you shall be sorry for a long time."