Jul 21, 2007

Gelastic Grief

It's a shallow misery that I am bound by right now. its the shock of something that you knew would happen and when it happens, surprisingly enough it shocks you! hilarious but true.
The pain is funny: feels like a combination of 'pit in your stomach and heart burn'.
I was worried about never meeting Ass insured. never knowing how he has grown, even though i kept a record of the colleges he went to, the prizes he won. its still not the same. i wanted to meet him before he fell away at destiny's childish whim. i searched for him for months and years, of means to reach him, hint it out. i wanted to stay and travel to places only to bump into him, only to accidentally find him and say, hey~!
I knew the day we meet, it would be magic, i know he can't possibly forget me either: I can never push those sandstone eyes into oblivion with the fire and depth in them.
After six years i find him in my backyard - married less than two months ago, with name, numbers to reach him and the home address written only to be used.

Life is funny and thankfully so! :))