Oct 3, 2008

Taming Of The Shrew

~Why do men want to bully a woman who detests being taken for granted?

~Why do they have this urge to humiliate her into submission and then breath in peace?

~Why is the phrase 'be a man' applied to a man when a woman fights back?

At the lunchangular K heard the bum-joker mouth "I want to see you cry", she turned to show him her middle finger. However, what ticked her off was the man's desire to see her weak, lost, helpless and as the Oyster Seeker puts it tamed.

What drives a man to feel and fall this way? What cheap pleasure does he derive? Which space does it fill? Why does a man need this kind of a challenge?

In a random conversation with the Oyster Seeker about boyz, he was thrown over in amazement that other men could take a bit of physical abuse from a woman. K understands that he isn't of the kind but the others weren't any 'less-of-a-man'. And what is so humiliating in a woman breaking down a man, when most men do it all the time in the most surreptitious ways?

However, we have known through history, cinema and literature that the man is often in love with the 'idea of being in love with a difficult woman', rather than just being in love with her. Love stories are a bucket-full of bullshit only for this reason. Only for this reason, I do not believe Monarch, Beach Boy, Black Pearl, Oyster Seeker amongst other love me.

What would happen to a Cathrine if she had not given-in to the cunning Petrucchio. What if she would have been too proud to claim that she would not wear a mask of the 'tamed idiot' to fool the world and remain a dreadful and much scorned shrewd?

What would become of her except a fearful, hateful, angered Atossa from Alexander Pope's honest portrayal of Characters of Woman? The old hag that negotiated her way and never compromised her pride, was never fooled by a man and was never loved or cried upon in death.

Machismo, men do not understand is a poor foolish illusion. Resignation, a cheap negotiation to blind these bull-headed fools.

Someday, K going to be very very tired of these gender games.