Mar 27, 2008

My Greek God!

I have never ogled at a man, and I am very proud of the same! It adds certain dignity to a woman and some inadequacy to a man.
Although I have helplessly fallen in love with men for what they do - be it writing, photography, painting, theory, money, architecture or politics. They weren't good looking men, or if they were, I didn't notice - it was an added ' ya, okay, whatever', the physicality never seemed to matter.

Today, something happened, my dearest vengeful god very loving pushed me off my snooty edge, my Master Craftsman for the month, with whom I have been conversing with for weeks - send me his image and I froze -
I found my Greek God (Mars himself), my crazy romantic Heathcliff hero, my lion with golden mane! I could hold his hand and elope if he asked me to... ( Yes, I feel that way right now! yes yes, too much of blabber, very lame and we both know, I will never date someone who looked or dressed like that...)
He is actually the only 'man' I have seen till date - absolutely no apologies for calling all the men in my life unmanly. My only grouse when I saw him was - Why don't they make such men in my backyard? Why dear god, why?