Aug 21, 2007

Night School

Minutes of an emotionally wreaked night, bundled with 3 women,a crumpled toilet-paper roll, 2 bags of french fries,1of smileys, 2 ice cream tubs, and yukky pizza hut 12'inch trash, 24 steamed momos in sauce.
Men are fools.
1)They don't understand hints or signs: you need to put up a billboard or have an across the table conversation: that will get the message through.
2)Do not treat a man like a woman: their EQ is inversely proportional to their IQ.
3)Dates are not important: the same date kms every month, year, decade.... Recall the emotion and start with, 'remember that time when we...' that works. 'doesn't today mean anything to you...' doesn't work.
4)Don't repeat his mother's mistakes, not baby him (i.e. NO- cribbing, whining, nagging,cleaning, feeding, handing him everything ). Treat him like a man and he will become one (well, SPACE: give him, have yours).
5)Have a life. I know it sounds crazy, but mandatory. I spent 3 years revolving around a man, trying to better him, love him, pamper him: i ended up as ' kya muchmuch hai re'! Fact was, i put my life aside for us (or so i believed), it didn't give me or him any positive returns.

He hung out with his friends, went for his football, cross-state drives and trekking stints; his life changed -- little. My priority list had only one name and umpteen reminders for that one name. What did i do in 3 years except concentrate on him? Nothing! Those years aren't kming back.

Lesson to the feline: It's heavenly when you're in the joy ride but once it is over and you look around- you the tipped balance scales: Bad Decision.