Aug 14, 2010

To Flee or to Fly is the Question.

Yanna Maria, help me, please help me. By now, you know, I'm not the begging sort. Nope, Nah, Nalla, Nicht, Naahi! As Oyster Seeker puts it - I have an ego, a huge one; reflecting his, of course. For the earthly realm and mere mortals, I agree. Acceptance is the first stage to blahblahshit...

But then, read between the lines, in the curves of every word, the beat of every post...

There are some people who only serve the Gods/the Muses/the Gurus/the soul/the cosmos.... from Tansen to Sunshine to K; we are trivial, timid, obliging, servile, obedient, docile, obsequious, live-in laborers to that force. I, for heaven sakes, am a pitiful servant, who is dying to sign-up for a lifetime of slavery! 

However, fortitude is fortuitous in nature.

For a king, it was a spider; for a blind man, it was a vision. What will it be for me? Kay Sera Sera...