Feb 2, 2009

From The Gutters Of A Prolixious Mind

They are only a battery of letters put together. Sometimes they are words. Rarely do they breathe. It's an achievement to hear them mean what they so didactically were born to model.

In the disjointedness of K's mind, tongue, typing and language - she sounds rather circumlocutory. Hurtling through the pages to find the right word, regurgitating it onto the keyboard and fleeing again in the search of new meaning.

New entrants have joined the Orcs -

Cruciverbalism - was summoned during boy watching. He had mocked at her lit degree from a native college and a namesake university. A part of the crossword club, eloquent in his lexicon - he did not know its meaning. What K received was a 'UH?'and cheap joys of humiliation.

Aqueous - found on a blog. Have been preparing it for an unusual assignment. Say 'searching for truth in an aqueous history.' Naaah! :(

- that's what K calls her work. It's wet and it's a collage born out of waste!

Feint - born from Krishna's head, was for a colleague.

Drone - It is this particular white noise that K would like to fill her head with.

Geriatric - 'Geriatric mind' was used for the first time for the septuagenarians, K suffers each day.

Soundlessly K's fragile cognizance cracks under the consistent flow of inebriated letters.

They take a halt. Make a camp. Breath, watch and K simply smiles.

Another journey begins...