Aug 27, 2008

Arsenals of Truth, Beauty and Joy

How much do we know each other - K and MIMI combated.

K's side of the story:
TRUTH - Not me. Never me. I like to live a lie. A very happy lie. That is my truth.
BEAUTY - Monica Belluci, Paz Vega, et al. beauty is me on the vogue cover.
JOY - is having what i want, when i want it and the way i want it.

MIMI's quotes on K :
TRUTH: K is sick. been that way for a long time now. she's getting better but she's still sick. She laughs when she is depressed, she dresses the best when she's suicidal. It's either that or shes wearing uncomfortably fancy heels.
BEAUTY: Bottles and bottles of body lotions and lip balms - it's not a beauty tip - K has very dry skin.
JOY: She'd be happy if she knew how to be. K will either die of a broken heart, in an asylum - if she lets her true self take over ever, or will die the moment she is filled with joy. K is incapable of digesting happiness. Period.

MIMI side of the story:
TRUTH: I like life the way it unfolds. I'm very positive about it, the best deserve the best.
BEAUTY: the within reflects without. u could be everything and nothing to someones eye.
JOY: smile and let go - yesterday is gone, tomorrow i don't know and today is just as good.

K's quotes on MIMI:
TRUTH: Optimism is a Godot. MIMI likes to wait in inactive hopeful insurgency for what may or may not happen.
BEAUTY: Fat. Short. Inadequate. MIMI camouflages her paunch with long kurtas and is extremely insecure of her body.
JOY: MIMI is a sloth that lives on leftovers (material as well as abstract) of other people.

K and MIMI haven't spoken to each other since this little game. They are hurt by each other's honesty and ashamed by the fact that they know each other so well.