Jun 8, 2011

Time Lapse

K has been hibernating - because life as she knows it has changed - drastically!
- work: a change of job, fun, crazy, hectic....
- failed at her third business venture - miserably..... again.
- Oyster Seeker and K keep going back and forth with much affection and distrust - relationship status CONFUSED.
- In limbo with all the men in my life - be it Drama King or Chameleon! Have found, where there is a penis, there is a problem.
- after multiple battles - Fabulous and K have resolved the necessary balance in our life
- childmom is a boon as usual.
- the worst news for this year, and probably the decade is that Octogenarian passed away.
- is eagerly waiting to meet Enlightened soon...

RESOLUTIONS: have stuck to some diligently, have failed at the others miserably.