Jan 25, 2010

A Madness of a Different Kind.

For K life has been a cyclone ride in Essel World, there is a slow drawn high and then a steep fall. Then a smaller slower drawn high and then again a fall. You get the picture. It’s an adventure, may not always be a pleasant one, none the less an adventure.

Love has played a good deal of a part in K’s life. Love for the roar of an ageing lion in National Park, a frenzied stray puppy drowning in a gutter, the quadrangle of Ruparel, the chaos of train travel, the most beautiful fragrances of the Khao gully, the lost land of education built on a swamp, a crazed, solitude friendly, mute, mathematician, love for the kind Black Pearl, for the dingy apts, for all the envy, love for my first byline. For meeting popular people, beautiful people with great lives; Love for the twinkle in the eye of a gossip monger, love for the death of it all, love for contentment and the boredom it brought, love for the risk of spoiling it all, and then going ahead and spoiling it all. The guilt, the excuse, the oh, what the fuck!, and the moving on…

The first time Oyster Seeker was in my bedroom, I was showing him my nick-knacks. I was happy with my all enclosed life and he zapped at it.  A long while later, he told me that it was the weirdest thing he had seen – A woman, who kept everything neatly folded in boxes,  then she opened them, unfolded everything and re-arranged the already arranged and put them back into boxes.

Everything time I do it, I remember of him. Today I am doing it again, and as I see from this point on, my life looks quite like my favorite hobby.

It is indeed quite inconsequential, like a circus in circles.