Mar 6, 2009

Important Randomness

During an insipid journey returning home, K bumped into a neighbor who she has had mixed feelings of sympathy and stagnant dislike for.

She was happy to know that the lisp was gone, however the nasal sound won't budge. The other realization was very related to my last post 'class-apart'. [Btw, the previous post is a bias (however, its my bias, on my blog, with no malicious intention.)]

This lady was on a 'thinking aloud' spree - something that I have observed in some post menopausal irate, unheard, unoccupied women. With her, I did not know what it was - but I registered it as nervousness. The silly nervousness that you compels faux pas in the presence of glamorous authority.

Nervousness, I realized then, compels a certain palaver with a meek garishness. While confidence is silent and commands respect for the void and restrain.

Thank you Oyster Seeker and the Monk - I would have not learnt it with out observing you.