Sep 16, 2008

Why do we need John Galt?

I have been drowning in the whirlwind of question marks... but there is some kind of security in utter chaos.

~Why do we attach so much importance to a published word?
~Why does it hurt you the most when it is actually supposed to comfort you?
~Why are empty hugs as painful as an expected parting?
~Why do we nurture dreams and then challenge them?
~Why does the twilight/dawn sea make you rethink, revision and reconsider the nonsense called 'Life'?
~Why do we know certain things are worthless in the long run, but still work towards gaining it?
~Why is it so difficult to find love, and why is it so easy to lose it - over and over again?
~Why does happiness not become an addiction like grief?
~Why are momentary joys deeper than a long term commitment?
~Why are ambitions so blind? ~Why do they drive you like nothing other?
~Why does everything appear futile - just when the impossible has been achieved?
~Why do we often bring success to others and foul play ourselves?
~Why when 'one man' can stand-up for himself, it hurts the most to see him do it and say -
"See, I did it!"
~ Why do listing your inadequacies help your self- confidence no more than what sugar-free chewing gum does for your teeth.
~ Would GODOT have come if V and E had waited longer?
~ When things aren't right. What is wiser - do we wait or do we change tracks?
~Why do we need a John Galt to explain our relationship with the universe?