Jul 15, 2008


Sometimes life seems so wrong. I seem lost, out of tune, fat and partially blind.

Sometimes stagnation hits so bad that it feel like a listless, spineless leaf ... turning to the breeze to direct my life some where.

Sometimes, one is just sitting and waiting for things to happen... this sometimes seems every time to me.

Sometimes, one is so unhappy and jealous that a smile won't break out ...

Sometimes a terrible void gets created that a pair of Ferragamos won't fill.

Sometimes all hope seems false and all 'arts' of living farcical.

Sometimes saying good bye is more painful than any pain ever experienced. Silence is the only one that will block this pain. The pain of knowing that it hurts you more than it will hurt the other person - because sometimes you remember friends in ways that you can't expect them to remember you.

Sometimes sleep and dreams are futile refuges. Sometimes you don't want to wake-up after you have put yourself to sleep. A perfect time for sleep to start avoiding you.

Sometimes the refrained risks, the walk aways, the shunned loyalties just feel like a slap in the face...

Sometimes cliches do not sound funny. Just as sometimes your odds are not cute, they are pathetic.

Sometimes the most difficult thing to say is, "I am so happy for you."

Sometimes you don't mind walking down his street in midnight rain only to attempt to make everything right and everything disappear, however sometimes the mornings are just not so bright...

Sometimes the cosmos avenges you for not warming a friendly heart, for selfishly leaving a flawed love...

Sometimes it gets cold, very cold.

Sometimes, irrespective of how desperate you are to settle for less, you won't do it. Simply because you were not born that way.

Sometimes it's time to remind oneself that this too shall pass. But sometimes it feels foolish to even believe so....