Apr 14, 2008

In conversation ...

.... I will agree to that - similar feeling that I hype everything, when it actually is just a passing phase; too much involvement into other things, people, thoughts, etc.

...darling - it ain't kming - never ask a journo her source - its sacred
i will be dammed

.... I wish I'd live life like the way I wanted to often! *SIGH* neway, I had a good time, that's just what I called to say!

.... Why can't you be like the rest, look at them - they have children, you have nothing! NOTHING!

.... I have to go, it's a need - I can't take it any longer, I have to go!

...this country sucks, its people suck, the family sucks, my job sucks, b'bay is so freaking hot - it sucks. KD, I suck! HELP

.... Man, so many realizations in so little time, I tell you none of them are nice; but I am just happy that I have them! now I know my direction...

.... C - it's breaking me
K- don't tell me
C - you know, i didn't want to hear it, i didn't take up the topic. She said it.
K- you should have told her 'Thank you, but I do not wish to know. I have no interest."
C -how can I say that, it is rude.
K- letting it gnaw on your mind is rude and making me listen to it when you know it will affect me equally is 'cruel'. you should stop this.
C- sorry, but I cant keep it in mind. It will burst, I had to say....
K -Not to me, god dammit - I don't want to know, it fucks my mind.
(K slams the phone. C sends an apology. )

...I had a dream that a lizard bite my big toe. 'Ewww, why of all things, a lizard'. How would I know.