Is there a fence in the first place? I suggest look closer.
“Sexuality is fluid.”
Sunshine said, I jumped to agree 'completely'! Then we spoke about her lecture in Deutsch on sexuality at the Max Muller Bhavan and the kind of questions she faced. Our conversation lasted about an hour covering: Sexuality n it's types, practices and meanings; incest, sex with animals and sodomy as sexual practices and finally myths.
Sexuality is deeper than we perceive it, sexual theorists, romance and porn writers have shed much light in the layered development of sexual desires. These practices shocked me into looking at things without prejudging them as perverse or abnormal. The lines are very thin and dangerously blurred with subjectivity and relativity.
Sunshine made certain 'declarations' that were argued upon by her friends- I agreed with her friends but I had heard this declaration from
Honey bum as weel, i had argued and he had resisted. Since then, i had told myself that 'i will never live in denial, least of all sexual'.
Gender battle and sexuality came face front with patriarchy in 1910, U.K, U.S, Europe; (1950, India) women were criticising, voicing, writing without a male pseudonym and committing suicides (max self-deaths occurred from 1920 to 1935). And the 1st woman's congress was born (it was rooted for a fight at a bar!) - and they were lesbians, not heterosexual women!
In the
Fight for equality, kind lesbians let Heteros join the battle and have a voice that their sleeping partners did not allow. Decades later, it became a
women's movement for freedom. And the leaders of this movement thought that the lesbians were a threat to the noveau patriarchy that hetero women festered through 'the sexual bargain' (including India). Bra burning stopped and corsets came in, cleavages were flaunted and '
la femme ecriture' was written. Women became body from being mind and soul. The womens' movement has deteriorated with multiple dimensions and sexuality has been a highlighted one. [Sexual freedom is the highest paid research topic in Gender and Sexuality by U.N. The only research to receive so much funding is Aids amongst Gay and Prostitutes in under-developed country brothels.]
Here is some clarity on beliefs:
Even though
Sexuality is a choice, for most of us it is a part of our conditioning; like religion. Sexual initiation practices are more dependant on families than traditions- (refer: my god died young).
Sexuality is divided into:
Hetero (attraction to opposite sex), homo ( attraction to same sex), Bi ( attraction to both sexes). Sexuality in its simplest sense means 'likely to have sex with'.
Gender is divided into social roles of Masculine and Feminine, Dominant and Submissive, Trans (sexual change from one gender to another). Gender in its simplest sense means 'Likely to follow set behavioural patters of'
Homosexual women are not Heterosexual women who have suffered at the hands of a man and therefore turned lesbian.
Gay men are not men who are effeminate because they were brought up with mother and sisters or have many women friends.
Bisexual women do not have hair on their breasts (hair has to do with hormones and not sexuality, so hetero or homo or trans can have hair). They chose to enjoy a man's and a woman's body with equal respect.
Butch women are not men in a woman's body. They simply chose to be with other women and dress like men.
not mandatory that homosexuals are creative, emotional, fun loving, sensitive to ur feelings etc... Heterosexuals endorse the same qualities.
Heterosexual men are not necessarily abusive and gays are not necessarily not abusive.
Relationships have the same impact and influence in all sexual choices.
The only difference is that it is Criminal to be Homosexual [gay or lesbian (butch or femme)], read IPC 377.
Sodomy, animal sex and incest is illegal in most countries because all of them do not have human voice or consent (willingness with full understanding of the situation and its aftermath).
Abuse means - without consent.
Pornography is criminalised in India and child pornography is criminalised all over the world. Homosexual Rape and torture pornography, sex slavery (south America, Chile, panama, japan, Russia, bangladesh etc..) and child slavery are some of the top profit making businesses over the world in competition with drugs, outsourcing information and prostitution.
Must reads- Foucault's History of sexuality. Body and woman by SNDT press. Gender by from Kamla Bashin.
Think about it.