Dec 28, 2007

Mourning and Peace

Today is 28th December 2007, this date is important because yesterday was very important. Benazir Bhutto President of Peoples Party of Pakistan was assassinated. 27th also marks a date amongst my numerous epiphanies. Death when forced leads to abridged karma. One must complete the cycle of karma- and learn the lessons carefully chalked out. Hence 'thou shall not kill'. As fate had it, I accidentally chose The Motorcycle Diaries to be the next book to be read; the urge was inexplicable till, I came home to know the death of Bhutto. I start to read today.
I was yes shocked, like the rest of the world when, I heard of the assassination- it was just like the world was going mad. So much hatred, greed and anger will reap just this- but is it worth the cause?
Androgene wrote that she was amongst the grossly corrupt and the million rest that we have heard, read and written before. But wont letting her live and reap the pain she has sowed be a worse punishment? why hasten?
Everybody seems to be losing their balance and in-turn the one of their society. how can hate survive without infinite love? How can chains strengthen unless we are immersed in freedom? How can you respect tears if you can't see a sunshine smile? I want to know how? One doesn't exist without the other and eventually the former is destined to dissolve into the latter. Its the way it has been and will be. Is it rocket science to understand something so simple?