Dec 24, 2007

I feel cold

An Indian state re-elected a murderer. A nation of this world scarily did so years ago.

My fury and disappointment screams happiness for the dolts- "An idiot nation/ state elects an idiot leader- how well deserving."

My mind chews on the whys. my heart, however, feels cold- icy cold and shivers to know that I live amongst people filled with so much parochial love that it makes them hate everything and everyone that is not the same parole, color, religion, territory or history. The saffron will give me jaundice- for extremes have always made me sick. I am sad that the alleys are getting narrower and I may have to walk through them someday-

God, give me the strength to smile, to make friends and to not judge them for the biases they bring.

ps. To be a Hindu, one has to erase hindutva from his/her mind; just as it is vital to walk beyond the rituals, to absorb the essence of the religion you follow.