Oct 22, 2007

Fashion forecast- eye, neck, waistlines

Face: Nudes(be it lip gloss, balm, nuetral skin shades) go. Reds, crimsons and browns replace. Apart from cheek bone highlighters: everything is toned clean. Thick liners unconventional glitters will be season's high. Max-factor is not still in for the Indian eyes, honestly Ashiswarya Rai's eyelash volume looks disgusting in person, also smudge risk is high- instead try perfectionist by Lauder. What compensates the extra thick lashes are ur college blue, green and grey liners. The egyptian look carries from the eye to the neck lines.

Neck lines: Egyptian, classic 'V', deep semi-circles, boatnecks, flannel and lace are in. Mandarins' are not. Flaunt collarbones and cleavage but tit popping, butt cracks, visible bra belts are OUT. If necessay use of same colour bra with the strappy outfit, it works: eg. Double up a green boatneck with a green bra: let the straps show.
Clean necks are still in vogue, hence string of pearls apexes the class-cool list.

Waistlines: The best of the lot, designers are experimenting with a delirious high. My fav: Empire waistline is back and will stay, what will also retain is the low pubic balloon that may just go without a visible waistline.