Mar 3, 2008

Falling In Love - Andre

Although the author of the blog is going crazy over bits and strips of fur at the Paris Fashion Week - she needs time to amalgamate the ones that have found her favor for this season.

I could not but neglect my current love and decided to voice it. What could my poor soul do - I have to hit the gongs in public, he's too far away for me to whisper into his ears... though I shall do that too, soon :D!

I helplessly fall in love with madness and beauty!

When I first saw him/her, I smiled instantly - I knew a genius was being blended into beauty. Then his images made me drool, sigh and smile, they are a complete turn-on, how could someone capture exquisite beauty with such brilliance? The images are visibly composed but they are not crafted and they flow - they call for attention and mark their space! I have seen this so rarely in any work of art. After spending hours every other day on him, reading about his work, defending his techniques, is just so pleasurable.

This man like my love Hans Neleman is filled to the rim with beauty and perfection. this crudeness and boldness only comes with the innate quality of being superior to the human race. The conviction that what you shoot will reflect a universe within and without you - that will shake-up this little ball called earth and transform the lady in the lens into an ethereal figure!

Yes, I love him - I love him to pits! It's not just this work I admire, it's him too, - the ogle worthy, hug worthy, wrapped in glitters package. The way he looks and clicks, sometimes I can feel him holding his breath seconds before he decides to press that forefinger on the shutter release with the speed of lightening.

Linda Bassman
, you have a successor (in a wicked and bold sort of way) Andre.J is going to kick-ass and mock the hateful straights into suicide! Mwaaah :D

Check my Sexy Out :