Apr 13, 2009

Hilarious Truths

K in conversation with Oyster Seeker & childmom, for something so important as a life changing decision:

K : How's he?
O: LOLOLOLOL .... if you sigh louder, he'll blow away like a wilted leaf.
K: Okay, no jokes, Seriously man...
O: Okay, compare this - my penis has more girth than his forearms!
K: (Shell Shocked) whao... what? Hmm. NO. Do not repeat!
C: hey lead me into the conversation.
K: Na, nothing. I do not think it's a good idea. O says, the man in question is rather weak.

So much for political correctness and the ability to see the 'goodness within' and live with someone irrespective of how they appear.

Superficial me. This time, no apologies!